Comments from nivek_88

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-28 17:08:33 An incest birthday chapter 15 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, it still wont post. Ive been trying for pretty much two weeks with no success. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
2011-11-02 01:49:01 An incest birthday chapter 16 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, just to clarify the comment below, Randy does not know about what happened, all that part means is his mom forced a bet on Stephanie and her mom, that has nothing to do with sex. It wasnt mentioned because it wasnt relevant, it happened in the grace period between chapters. The whole chapter 15 thing wont get revealed until later, still not sure when or how though.
2011-11-02 06:21:49 An incest birthday chapter 16 Saya? Who snitched on you? I dont have any way to get in contact with you. Can you make another profile?
2011-11-21 14:15:11 An incest birthday chapter 16 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, it was close, actually real close, three votes separated the winner, but it has been picked, and I will start writing immediately. Keep in mind writing the way I do takes time, but nowhere near as long as the last time.
2012-01-23 06:46:06 An incest birthday chapter 16 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, once again my cpu fucked up before I could post the story, so I had to retype it. I'm trying to remember how I had written it the first time, which is extremely hard, so its taking a while.