2013-12-07 08:58:02 |
An Incest Birthday Chapter 18
Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, while I have the next six chapters already written out, I have no cpu of my own to write them with, so I'll have to write a page a day at one of my friends house, whenever I can get over there. Also, the chapters might be a little shorter than I have been writing them, and I don't know if some people still read my stories for the sex, but a couple of the upcoming chapters will not have sex in them, I mean none, just thought I would give you a heads up on where I stand. Thanks again, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. |
2013-12-14 18:48:47 |
An Incest Birthday Chapter 18
Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, as of right now I'm about halfway through the story, it should be done and posted by new years, give or take a few days depending on how fast it gets proofread. Thanks again for being patient, its finally on its way. |
2015-02-24 23:45:40 |
An Incest Birthday Chapter 28
Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, to the guy below me yes I am still writing, but I'm only writing a page and a half a day, I'm limited. As for the exact date I think next Tuesday (March 3) would be a safe bet. As usual if you have any questions or concerns I'll be happy to answer them and as always thanks for being patient. |
2015-02-24 16:48:04 |
An Incest Birthday Chapter 28
Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, to the guy below me yes I am still writing, but I'm only writing a page and a half a day, I'm limited. As for the exact date I think next Tuesday (March 3) would be a safe bet. As usual if you have any questions or concerns I'll be happy to answer them and as always thanks for being patient. |
2015-03-26 15:29:09 |
An Incest Birthday Chapter 29
Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, I'm now at 40 pages and I can already tell I have at least 20 more to go. I can't be exact with a date but I'll definitely know where I stand next week, this chapter just got away from me I kept adding dialogue to scenes that were already finished and now I added another scene altogether. My next update will have the exact date it'll be uploaded, thanks for being patient. |