Comments from Prurient Purveyer

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-01 04:43:39 to Anonymous Reader 2011-04-26, what on earth are you talking about?
2011-05-03 05:29:42 FORBIDDEN ROOM As always Anonymous reader we writers urge you to look at the tags. If there is one or more there you don't approve of or find to your taste,little cannibalism pun there for you, then, how can I put this, um don't fucking read it.
Most things on this story site are perverted, that's why there here.

Outstanding story my dear. I have written 4 cannibalism stories so I know the subject .You have made this a chilling story from start to finish, its exciting all the way through.
Sadly the prospects of high ratings is negligible but you will have a loyal following .
I look forward to your next one.
2011-05-03 05:31:21 FORBIDDEN ROOM Oh and I voted for this before I had logged in but I don't leave anonymous comments.
2011-05-04 04:18:23 Mother daughter masturbating together is way too unrealistic for you huh?

There are 5846 incest stories stories on this story site and I bet you're right, there won't be another one with a mother and daughter masturbating together.
2011-05-23 07:42:50 To Hardrive, Holly doesn't come out of nowhere with fully developed feelings for Beth at all. She's looking for a seat in a crowded cafe and sees one by Beth and she must have liked the look of her and went to sit at her table. They spend sometime together and who knows how the mind works but she decides this lady has something she likes. She's a much more assertive personality than Beth, like Maxine? Don't know, she died before I could meet her.
But my characters fall in love. You do, if you're lucky enough to meet that special someone, most of us don't and make do, checking the horizon for possibilities before going for best on offer. None of that crap for my girls, they fall in love, might take a while to find Miss Right but when they do, head over heels. Only way to be.