Comments from Prurient Purveyer

Date Story title Comment
2013-02-27 01:36:24 You had better get a move on and write your puerile comments on more of the stories here because I have asked XNXX to remove all my stories.

I will no longer post here because of you nor will I read any of the crap you choose to inflict on anyone unfortunate to glance at what you have written.
2014-04-06 09:50:10 The Party_(4) I love this story Katie. A real Dolcett tale. I hope you have more in the pipeline.
2021-02-05 20:21:46 Emily at Nutrition Providers School Well, bugger. This was supposed to be in Snuff and Cannibalism where ir would be very much at home. But it's not: its in the open one horrifying all you decent folk instead.

Never mind it will be gone soon.
