Comments from Prurient Purveyer

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-06 22:50:19 Thanks Ghost. Hate to say it old boy but I was born in Christchurch, St Helen's Hospital and we moved to Auckland when I was twelve. We lived in Hadlow Place in Christchurch.

But glad you liked the story.
2012-08-14 06:57:12 Most of my readers have not complained about the stories being confusing. If you find it confusing then perhaps you are just stupid.
2012-08-21 06:59:18 Controlling Desires Um, wow! Outstanding story.
2012-08-22 23:42:37 Controlling Desires Peaches the last thing you want to know is why someone has voted negatively on your stories. The reasons, if they give any will simply do your head in. You got 2 anonymous negatives, logged in votes count as 4 each. All in all you've done pretty well. Firs
2012-08-24 21:21:56 Thanks for the comments. With 5 negative votes the story is dead in the water. No,I won't continue; I've done sequels in the past and every time its been a mistake.