2012-08-25 20:12:55 |
Why did you read it? I put the flags up, I even put "if you are squeamish its not for you". So why .with all that warning did you read it?
Is it a case of terminal stupidity? What?
And it sounds like it was disgusting because it was old people, so if it was young people getting chopped up to provide a hearty meal for the students of Fish Memorial College that would have been OK?
Very ageist approach I'm afraid.
And Cynthia? Hmm- who knows when she may get the call. |
2012-09-05 02:07:55 |
No one mentioned she was a female.? You are serious, right?
What do the tags say? any mention of guys in there?
Her name is Georgie?
She says "I was a right bitch"
She takes her bikini top off
She has her pussy on show
She gets licked out
Don't you think that, subtle as they are, these clues might lead the astute reader to conclude there's a really good chance Georgie might be a girl?
And as for the 60 year olds; why shouldn't they have a sex life? And why shouldn't it involve teens?
You need to do some serious self examination young man.
And lighten up for fuck's sake. |
2012-09-05 05:10:58 |
Well I'm sorry you didn't like this one but flattered that you've read the others to make the comparison. This and six other of the last eight stories posted are ones I had posted earlier and pulled.
My current stuff, which I think is reasonably good is just getting smashed and its a little disheartening to put as much thought and effort into writing what I think is a good story only to have it voted into the 70s and 80s and therefore to oblivion.
I know we aren't supposed to care but news flash we do and I do as much as anyone. |
2012-09-08 22:20:20 |
Thanks Jade. I see the thing is getting smashed as per usual for my stories. It is so heartening, it really is. Must find somewhere else to post. |
2012-09-18 19:55:31 |
Linda had stood up and I saw her pussy wasn't just wet it was contracting.
You really are terminally stupid- aren't you?
She wears a strap on in a scene, a few strap ons get worn. |