2012-09-26 05:31:08 |
Dizzy , are you aware of just how many of your sentences start with 'I'?
The first three do and from there on it looks to run at around 80%. |
2012-10-17 00:57:22 |
5 negatives already, I don't know why I bother.
Yes, this is a story I posted before as The Swimming Hole and I had all my stories pulled and as I want to I post them again so people can vote them into fucking oblivion.
And as for Mr Watch your commas, go fuck yourself. |
2012-10-17 14:02:56 |
Yes, why don't they?
This is my fucking story dip shit.
I wrote the thing, it is mine to do with as I want. |
2012-10-18 06:56:16 |
Did you read the tags bozo?
Why read it if this type of story upsets your pea sized brain so much? |
2012-10-18 06:57:14 |
Go fuck yourself cunt face |