Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2017-10-04 05:31:32 Weekend with Katie, Part 2 Going great so far... on to the next chapter..
2017-10-04 05:39:49 Weekend with Katie, Part 3 I just popped a load across the foot piece of my recliner... Great story.
2017-10-04 05:46:45 Weekend with Katie, Part 4 Part 5 coming soon???
2017-11-10 19:05:49 The Anonymous & The Curious ch2 Great story
2017-11-11 05:23:45 Godless Bwincfl, This is a fine story and easy for an experienced writer to read and understand.
Nobody starts out perfect.
Perhaps YOU should write some stories and post them, if you can take the criticism.
To The Great Stag: good work and please continue to write.