Comments from Don'sdick

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-02 04:14:50 I love playing with daddy Great start.. waiting for part 2
2018-05-23 04:37:09 I love you playing with daddy pt 2 Good, Cockaddict.. more, please
2018-05-23 04:40:04 I love you playing with daddy 3 Part 3 & the diary are the same section of the story.. Really good, though.
I just can't wait for you to get your first real good fucking..
Write it as soon as possible.
2018-05-28 03:42:14 “Daddy, can Paige stay over tonight?” Good story, and one that can easily hold extra chapters.
Hint: an easy way to spot those spelling errors is to read the story aloud and do it a day after it's written.
It is really a hot one, though. Keep writing..
2018-05-28 03:52:41 Busted_(2) Okay... good, hot story, but... as the others have mentioned, 17 or 14??
You only being 4ft 10in makes it a little strange that a girl six inches taller would be interested... but... lotsa strange girls out there.
Once again, read aloud & correct any errors.