Comments from Efon

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-21 11:34:27 Milk of Desire, Book II : Chapter 6 : Mom's home! I got a LOT of writing I'm doing. I got several ideas of where this story is going and some specific things that will happen, but am willing to entertain ideas from others.
2013-03-28 16:03:27 Milk of Desire, Book II : Chapter 6 : Mom's home! I'm not going to stop, but I am going to only post short stories and the first chapter of longer works here to try and encourage people who like my work to like it enough to spend $2.99 on 10,000 words or more which entails at least a hundred hours of brainstorming, writing, editing and making pretty cover art. I hope it's not too much to ask.
2013-03-28 16:08:33 Love Next Door It was meant to be a short story. They live happily ever after. How I visualize that is she moves in and marries him. He may have gotten her pregnant, and if he didn't soon does. It's hard living going to school and supporting a growing family, so he works a lot, but she helps him with homework and studying, until he graduates and gets a good job, probably with another child on the way. And all that is great, but not romantic, illicit, or exciting, so sorry I don't see anymore here to write. It was supposed to be a taboo love, that turns out isn't, and is just a love story.
2013-04-01 16:55:42 Easter Bunnies I'm charging for the long stories that I put a lot of work into, as I also re-edited them all and fixed mistakes and even rewrote some parts cor continuity. I'm unemployed now, so figured I could try and see if doing this would help out. I'm still trying to make a lot of free shorts right now, so people will get an idea for my flavor, and stories like this are free at Smashwords, with a pretty cover. Jut anything over 10,000 words is going to have a price there. After I've filled a decent amount of free stuff I plan on revisiting my continuing series of IHNC and MOD, with the first chapters here and a full version at Smashwords, but that won't be for a few months while I get at least a dozen more shorts written up.
2013-04-04 18:00:33 Lovely Tyrant Then you misread it. The line of asterisks denotes a scene change, and the next line says all that was his memory of the event. He comes down and sees Miki doing dishes, along with the other noticeable changes in his life now, most of a year has already passed.