Comments from Epoch

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-06 19:35:54 Me, Jane and her mother If this had a backstory on how mom/daughter started plus this .... it would be golden! Great story though none the less.

2011-06-13 18:21:35 "The panty of the bikini was small, significantly smaller than any previous bathing suit she'd worn. As such, her downy, fiery-red pubic bush stuck out on all sides, making it look as though she were smuggling a kitten in her panty."

This is the best line I have read in awhile from this site. Thanks for the laugh!
2011-07-26 10:44:27 Corp Whore Sorry didn't really think this story was that good. The story was to rushed.
2011-07-26 20:00:51 Birth of the Ringtaker # 1 now that is a crazy fetish!
2011-07-30 17:39:55 My Son and I almost caught. Good story. I like it.