Comments from Epoch

Date Story title Comment
2012-08-14 21:26:16 A Lifelong Affair. pt 1 Great story, cant wait to read more of this.
2012-08-18 21:44:57 My first breeding with Bull This is not the worst story I have ever read on this site. For future stories please spell the words out. Writing a story the way you text is kinda lame. I gave you a positive vote.
2012-09-03 18:52:00 A Night of Discovery Pt: 1 I agree the ending was a bit much, but I am sure someone hot off on it. As far as the word nigger, I would disagree. If you have any experience in breeding parties or the such, it is fairly used as much as black or nigga. The black folks and the white folks get off on it about as equally. Not all but most do. Wife4hungblk its your story. If someone does not like it fuck them. Never apologize or try to please people for/with what you write.I thought as a whole it was pretty decent.
2012-09-18 21:17:35 Laura, a.k.a. ( The Little Nympho )_(0) This story has a lot of potential. I love the story line and I hope you do continue with more chapters. If you enjoy writing, then just write. There are always going to be those assholes that won't like your work. Keep doing what your doing.