Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-05 23:25:17 Siblings Discover True Love Jessie and Alex FIRSTLY - Ignore that tosser jsinner. You told us at the top that the sex came later and if he can't read, he shouldn't be here and SECONDLY, you'd only want me there if the second part was fiction ( too old and ugly ) and I want your true story because it's beautiful. PS I gave Positive vote like I promised.
2011-06-06 21:10:10 Morgan's Rape Let's see. Technically, this story is good, well spaced and pretty well written BUT you seriously need to attend a creative writing course.
Too short, no character development and poor story development. It's tagged pregnant but here's nothing to suggest pregnancy except he fucked her. He unintentionally touched her tits. . .crap. She asked him to bust her cherry so it's not rape. Potential here, but no gold star at this stage.
2011-06-07 05:00:40 Hanna episode 3 - Ultimate Lapdance! Very good story, well written and spaced. Positive vote (personal 9/10 ) PS You can always tell who the retards are. They say get her pregnant. Don't be swayed by such tossers.
2011-06-07 21:28:54 Poppy: Flower In The Dark - Part 1 What sort of sick mentally retarded fuck even thinks this shit.Totally brain damaged candidate for Hitler's ovens. NEGATIVE VOTE
2011-06-08 02:51:50 All for Mr. Redman Firstly JadeM, my most abject apologies. The hymen remark was totally wrong and as you so correctly pointed out you had written cervix. The second comment about hockey, please refer to authors info at top of page. I again apologise for your belief that I was challenging your gender, but if the word had been hymen, I'm sure you can see where the challenge could have originated.
Shitsurei shimasu I apologise for my stupidity. As mentioned I respect your writing and regret my poor reading. Since I wrongfully accused you publicly, I respectfully request your forgiveness via the same medium.