Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-28 22:50:05 Jake Pleases His Pregnant Wife Melody (Episode 1) Loved it. Silly romantic. Sex should be fun. Thanks for writing this. Positive vote and my grading 9/10
2011-05-29 20:49:13 Daughter and Dad Straight to my favorites list. Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200.
This was bloody marvelous. Positive vote and personal grade 10/10.
There had better be a sequel. . . or I'll hunt you down and piss in your ear. This has the potential to be one of the great romantic sex stories. Thank you.
2011-05-29 21:44:50 DADDY PORN Loved the story Kimiko. Thank you. Positive vote and personal 8.5/10
2011-05-29 21:54:10 The Portrait - Part 1 Another really beautiful story. Ohh What artists have to endure for their art. Positive vote and 8/10
2011-05-29 23:15:22 A long night_(1) Maeneko, This story was really REALLY funny. And very well written.Positive vote and personal grading 8.5/10