2011-05-15 22:04:30 |
my pregnant neighbor_(1)
See Pudman, You CAN write a very good, sexy story without bringing up sex with children. + vote and 8/10 personal grade. |
2011-05-16 03:39:15 |
The Nerd -Epilog
Wow, that ending blindsided me - and was really inventive. Thank you for posting this story. I really enjoyed it. + vote |
2011-05-16 09:33:11 |
Thanks Horse. I'm an atheist - and loved it. Different My grade 8/10 and obviously positive vote. |
2011-05-16 09:50:13 |
My Best Friend and Pizza (part 1)
You probably won't be so happy to hear comments when or if one of those mindless trolls starts destroying your credibility with their insane rants, but if you ignore them, rest assured, your skill will be noted by those who count. |
2011-05-16 23:24:25 |
Daughter has her price.
Great start, but she's obviously been taught to be a mercenary little witch. Well written and presented story. Blackmail doesn't ring my bell so I don't find it sexy and I would never pay for sex ever. 8/10 and + vote for the story. More to come I hope because I'm curious. |