Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-13 14:38:16 My sister got drunk Spelling, grammar and layout near perfect. Story so-so. Would have been better with a bit more "fleshing out". Looks like you wrote it to a tight schedule but to be good you've got to allow over three minutes. Subject was great and this COULD have been a very good story. As it is I find it mediocre at best. 4/10
2011-05-14 02:27:22 Hardrive, In the past I may have been less than impressed with SOME of your stories. Have no doubt that I am more than impressed with this one. Tomorrow, when I have the ability to vote again this gets a positive vote - NO QUESTION and I personally grade this 10/10. In my eyes NOTHING can be done to improve this lovely romantic story.
2011-05-14 19:45:51 A weekend with a 13 year old virgin Sky. Maybe I live in a dream world, but unlike the sexy old fart, I didn't find the story unbelievable. Rare, maybe unlikely, but pretty erotic, almost romantic and very very sexy. Well written, with enough spacing so I didn't choke on words.
I loved the story, and thank you for putting it up so we could read it. + vote.
2011-05-14 20:17:59 Virgin Honeymoon The realism of this story tore my heart and the human-ness of the two of you really got to me. A realistic story, not a fairy tale and in reality things don't always end up perfectly. Glad you found another love to share your life. You are obviously worth loving, but I can also understand the break up. I know how the trivialities of life can sometimes overshadow the really important bits. 9/10 and positive vote. Thank you for sharing your life.
2011-05-15 01:17:17 My Best Friend and Pizza (part 1) This COULD be the beginning of a GREAT romance story IF you learn that paragraphs are necessary. I nearly ditched this story to the depths of ignominy when I saw a solid block of text. Glad I persevered because your writing is really very good and I enjoyed the build-up. IF you stop here I will hunt you down and pee in your shoes, and your left ear. Paragraphs please!!