Comments from Jackofmosttrades

Date Story title Comment
2011-01-27 00:27:52 *smiles and wipes a tear from his eye* Now THAT is a beautifully written and very touching story.... *sighs* Please keep writing this way.
2011-01-27 00:27:57 *smiles and wipes a tear from his eye* Now THAT is a beautifully written and very touching story.... *sighs* Please keep writing this way.
2011-02-09 05:35:56 I'm Not Alone, Part VI great story but if I may make a suggestion, let someone else proof-read your work before you post it, they might see things that you missed in your own proof-read; like homonyms: words that sound alike but are spelled diff and have diff definitions; weird grammar usage; and stuff like that....... Words Per Minute: 184.56 Accuracy: 94.92
--Jack of most trades
2011-02-15 04:54:24 You are an EPIC writer, please keep writing... Your writing style is extremely addictive. Please write more.
2011-02-15 05:18:37 *Wipes at a tear* "TO HELL AND BACK!!" *Salutes*