Comments from Jackofmosttrades

Date Story title Comment
2014-06-07 09:30:55 Going Home Mmm, I can see at least one more chapter... maybe.
Settle down with Char and maybe have one or two kids...
Reconnect with a simmered down family, on the down-low of course.
2014-05-16 10:29:57 Boy in the grass 57 Mmmmm, when they recruited their friends, I thought, "I'm in; now, where did I put that flail?"
2014-05-18 11:59:52 Boy in the grass 58 Yeeess, more like this... much destruction inflicted and much story told; I hope much more is to come.
Max might want to sit down when he hears about Tali.

May your Muse remain steady, and any writer's block pass swiftly.
2015-03-11 05:52:59 Forward to go back (The Mission 3) WHOooo! More story! Wooot!
2015-07-12 18:53:25 Don't Change - Chapter 2 Mmm... Sexy fun times... I look forward to seeing how the "Save The World" arch pans out, as well as the possible Inter-species compatibility.