Comments from Fix'm

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-15 04:54:44 Fifteen Good story that shows some great imagination, but as another commenter say don't make him into a creep. I really like s/f and would like to see more in this series. - THX
2011-04-15 04:54:45 Fifteen Good story that shows some great imagination, but as another commenter say don't make him into a creep. I really like s/f and would like to see more in this series. - THX
2011-04-15 05:16:17 My Mind Control Gift Great story with lots of imagination - More please. - THX
2011-04-15 06:27:33 Excellent story and as another commenter said this story could easily be published were you so inclined.- THX
2011-04-17 19:52:56 Birthday sex - re written due to poor spelling Your lack of paragraphing really detracts from this story as does your lack of punctuation and capitalization. It has promise, but it still needs work.

PS: the book is titled the Kama Sutra, not the karma sutra.