Comments from Impax

Date Story title Comment
2017-09-14 23:30:26 My Daughter’s Incest Club Interesting fantasy,but the chaos is kinda fun, too. IRL, that means Dad gets to get some side meat
2017-09-15 00:27:24 Taylor and Mona - Porn Queens Not too shabby. Nifty little twist halfway thru
2017-09-17 01:36:38 The Collar 4 This story ain't done
2017-09-17 17:04:41 Majick I need a thing to write on. A desktop I can't drop or get rained on is the ticket, methinks. Never had a place long enough to make sense, but the rule was, don't have more stuff than I could carry. I'm in a wheelchair all my waking moments and all I got is a PS4. I'm in a good place to write finally, and no device. The Uhiverse is laughing at me.
2017-09-28 18:10:19 The Unspoken Game - Part 2_(0) Wonderful please continue