Comments from abroadsword

Date Story title Comment
2020-12-10 03:12:43 Nozzer in Rome. Man I'm mortified. I always strive for exact hysterical accuracy. I watched the Carry On film about Cleo Patterer and Monty Python the Life of Byron for context so I can only apologise.
2021-01-11 03:52:58 Janie (Seduced by my ex girlfriend's daughter) Aye, It started, "We was 'doin'70 down t'A1, but it hadn't same sort o' cachet so I shifted ont to California.
2021-01-27 19:38:01 Controlling or Coercive Behaviour. Part 1 Impax She has to pay for a haircut and the nice top and skirt first, and the doctors consultation fee, Maybe read part 2 and I'll attach her tax returns as appendix 1.
Where can you get pussy for $3, not in mainland USA surely.