Comments from ClosetCase

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-24 09:38:42 rich boys love 27 What type of business are you starting up? Lol if you got that much money why even try to Work and add stress? I would buy a small Carribean Island and blissfully live out my days ingnorant of the outside world.
2011-06-27 22:03:28 rich boys love 29 Harvey Im so sorry how your dad reacted, I accually teared up while reading it, Im so glad you managed to not get too down about it and managed to stay positive (im sure Leon helped alot). Im glad to hear a wedding date has been set, you two must be so excited.
2011-06-27 22:15:45 rich boys love 29 "you shouldnt be ashamed of who you are or who your with"
Maybe im taking this out of context a bit, but are you saying you think people who are closeted and lie to there famlies are ashamed of themselves? for me personally it's not shame at all it's fear, I really dont think i could ever overcome my parents or my brother not accepting it and telling me they never wanna see me again the fear of how they might react is what keeps me lieing to them not shame.
2011-06-28 15:51:03 rich boys love 29 so when is the big day?
2011-06-29 14:16:41 rich boys love 29 wow less than a month now awesome! On a side note did you guys purposefully wait until after the most recent court ruling from Judge Vaughn Walker was upheld?