Comments from ClosetCase

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-10 20:19:50 rich boys love 29 Few weeks? Lol 10 days! If there is anything I can do to help let me know.
2011-07-12 19:38:37 rich boys love part 20 lol good party last night?
2011-07-14 02:50:59 rich boys love 31 I Came out to my brother today! and i also told him i plan to come out to my parents when they get home from vacation in 2 weeks! my nerves were shaking my whole body and i was scaried to death! i was expecting a shocked and angry reaction from him but he was suprisingly supportive with a "yea so" kind of attitude. i cant explain the feeling i have right now. i feel like i have been swimming in a chainmail armour suit forever and now its gone! i just had to tell someone what happened today! I feel so awesome right now!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only hope telling my parents goes this well!!!!!!!!
2011-07-14 03:06:09 rich boys love 31 i would like to thank you for sharing your stories with me. 3 months ago i would have never considered telling anyone esspically my brother. now after reading your stories for the last 2.5 months i have changed so much i feel so much more comfortable with myself .. i have read alot of gay stories before i dont know what it was about your story that really touched me but i am so much more open now and feel idk how to explain how i feel but i think your story had alot to do with it! words cant describe what i want to say right now but thank you so much!!!!!!!! Harvey and Leon just by reading your story my life has changed and kjhkkfwyhfweyufhwiyhfbwhufibwsfhiubdxzkhbsdjhvbdsvdsbjv lol letters and words cant describe it right now!!!!! thank you so much !!!!!!!!
2011-07-16 07:09:19 rich boys love 32 lol the closet door is only open right now i still need to tell my parents! im not completely out yet! anyway only 4 more days OMG! regaurdless of the wrong flowers or what not your getting married in 4 days!