Comments from ClosetCase

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-01 05:02:13 rich boys love 29 Ok question not only for Harvey and Leon but everyone that reads it, I am a huge closet case as indicated by my name.There is this guy I know that im into that I recently started going to bars and stuff with just like strait friends do(he thought I was strait). I have recently began to hint to him that im gay ( I got the courage from reading Leon and Harvey's stories. Primarily Harvey hes my inspiration).
Since then he has asked me if I think hes sexy and what I have done with guys in the past and frequently will ask me if I think guys we know or meet are hot
2011-07-01 05:03:10 rich boys love 29 problem is he also says some serious "homophobic" things and even told me he would die before doing anything
with another guy. Now my insticts are telling me hes gay and at least a little bit interested in me but the things he says
coupled with my fear of comming out and just being upfront about being gay,kinda complicated the situation? My question to you people are do you think hes being kinda evasive because hes not sure if im gay ( I have told him I have been with guys in the past)? Or is it something else that im overlooking?
2011-07-03 21:04:55 rich boys love 29 yea im not sure how to go about it. its very confusing to me we went out again to some local bars last night just the 2 of us and at the start of the night we were in his car drinking beers before we headed in and the conversation turned sexual. after a few minutes he suddenly got out of the car and said we should head into the bar. ( im positive he was trying to hide an erection, but didnt have any clear evidence lol) the night went on as a normal night out, as we were leaving i typically would call my brother for a ride home but asked him for a ride instead (lol i just wanted to get back in his car) he refused, then i asked him if we should go check if any other bars were open(i knew they were all closed that late but wanted to go for a walk or someplace we could talk and maybe i could stair the conversation back to where it had been earlier) he refused and insisted i call for a ride and seemed very persistant to end the night so i accepted and went home.
2011-07-05 12:48:53 rich boys love 29 Well this guys probably just............!!!!!!10 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!! HOLY SHIT DUDE LOL
2011-07-08 00:39:52 rich boys love 29 ok this kid is fuckin with me i think, the other night he tells me he dont wear underware and seems interested again, then i tell him my family i live with is goin on vacation friday and i got beers and the pool open and no one will be home for a week and he can stay over and he refuses, but then asks if i want to have a bbq with some friends on saturday? i dont get it