Comments from hardoneforgirl

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-06 11:39:23 Foster care - my new home Very well thought out plot, great job of constructing the story. But the only thing i'd reccommend is to not use the same word over and over again. But great story, it made me hard.
2011-08-06 11:45:01 Foster care - my new home I think she is 11 to 13 from the description of her body. Great age for fucking, but I would've started her off younger. Maybe 4 or 5.
2011-09-01 23:33:13 Misty gets high Part 2 very hot, wish i had a neighbor like that.
2011-09-18 00:49:36 First time with my cousin Part 3 Great story so far, I am looking forward to reading the rest.
2011-09-27 22:11:01 please sweetie, keep writing, you have WAY more fans than you do detractors. You wouldn't have this high of a percentage of people liking this story if you didn't have oodles of fans.