Comments from hardoneforgirl

Date Story title Comment
2012-12-10 02:00:18 How I started fucking my daughter. Part 3 Decent story. The actual intercourse could be more descriptive then " .. This went on for another 10 minutes..." You show promise as being a great writer but you need to improve your detailing.
2012-12-10 06:22:30 Stepsister Seduction: Chapter 3: Seducing a new Victim Both after fucking each other
2013-01-11 14:24:25 My Girlfriends Daughter_(1) Excellent I'm ready for part two and three and four
2013-01-11 14:56:41 How to Care For a Golden Retriever Great story I see the possibility of more material with those two.
2013-02-21 15:17:33 Amanda's Dad at the Gloryhole Oh fuck.... Now what