Comments from WhiteHat

Date Story title Comment
2012-03-20 16:13:51 Blackmailing Vengeance (Re-edited) I liked the storyline. With murder hanging over her, there is pleny of fodder for a Part 2 (hint hint)
2012-04-08 01:15:34 Three Can Keep a Secret if Two are...Sisters #userfriendlystories--Thanks for the kind words and the critiscm. I undeertand exactly where you are coming from. I've got a definite direction I plan on taking this story. The crazy plan is unfortunately part of it. As an author yourself, I'm sure you will understand. I do think there will be enough 'fun' to keep you entertained. Thanks again

The WhiteHat
2012-04-20 13:44:46 The School Spinster Takes A Chance This is one of the most well written stories on this site. Great job!
2012-04-23 01:17:08 The Hotel Key Very well written! I enjoyed it immensely. Positive rating!
2012-06-06 19:52:09 Three Can Keep a Secret if Two are...Fucking like Bunnies Hi Everyone. I did finally get the next chapter finished and posted. I apologize for it's delay, but life gets in the way. I always seem to have many more things to do, then time to do them. Your comments are what drive me to write and are the surest way to make me feel guilty for not finishing a chapter.

The WhiteHat