Comments from WhiteHat

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-11 21:13:15 Three Can Keep a Secret if Two are...Sly #Da Bossman---Thanks for comment and the constructive criticism. Rachel is still figuring herself out, sexually. She is used to using her body to control men, and now is thinking she might be gay. She isn't sure of her place in the world. That said, I think in the back of my mind, I have her as too proud to ask for anything. But, now that you mention it and I'm thinking about it...who knows?

The White Hat
2012-06-25 21:04:21 Three Can Keep a Secret if Two are...Lesbians #Anonymous--First nipple and areola are often used interchangeably. The rest of the world figured it out with no trouble at all. Second, I do spell check, but it is very difficult on your own work. This chapter is 9000 words long. Kindly direct me to your work, and I'll gladly pick apart your spelling and word usage. Finally, you may have noticed that there was no butt sex in this chapter, so it mystifies me why an anal retentive ass like you would even read this. Did you fail to notice you aren't paying for these stories. Your critism ceases to be constructive when it delivered in your condescending manner. So please, in the future spare me.