Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-22 19:06:53 Working Mom 7 Where was the driver when all the fucking was happening?
2012-09-30 03:12:00 My Son's Mother - Part 1 Sounds like a revenge thing to me. I hope he gets more pics or video first and then does some old fashioned blackmail with multiple partners.
2012-10-07 04:15:35 The Counselor Chronicles Part 1 I gave it a positive rating but why do they all have rather large tits? Can't they be slightly smaller? I like large tits but 15 and 16 with double D tits? Yeah I know fiction and imagination but just my opinion.
2012-10-11 01:25:56 Married with Children_(0) You could have had Bud lose his virginity with Kelly while she was tied up or involved him somehow.
2012-10-11 01:47:41 My sexy step daughter (Part 1) I really wanted to read your story but the jammed up too long paragraphs stopped me. Will try to read part two.