Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-31 02:54:09 My Whole Family Needed Me 2_(0) VERY WELL DONE !!!! I'm glad you made the spacing changes. It read much better. Now all you have to do is keep up the excellent work and I'll read every word you write. I'm going to favorite your story so I won't miss any parts. Thanks!!
2013-04-07 06:52:27 Red Hawk the Spear Maker(Part 3 The Great Meeting Ground) To the Anon that doesn't like cliffhangers. Do you watch tv? If so you like cliffhangers. Most shows tease you with "coming next week!", which is a cliffhanger to make you come back to watch. Do you read all books straight through? if not another cliffhanger.
Your whole life is full of cliffhangers you just don't realize it.
Don't complain until you write a story. Then you will see the value in making them eager to come back for more.
2013-05-10 09:38:41 Happy Mothers Day! It is a bit short but drag out the humiliation. Don't forget the ass fuck and maybe get Mom pregnant by son too.
2013-05-18 18:08:17 Spider-Man: Ultimate Beginnings Chapter One I don't care who wrote it, it needs spacing. Almost like one long paragraph with breaks in it.
2015-08-29 16:50:56 The Jean Genie - Part 1 (Fixed) Finally got to read part one. Not too bad, a little rushed but a different genie story. One suggestion. Since he only has to be in contact with the jeans, couldn't he just cut a piece and keep it under a shirt? It didn't say he had to wear them just be in contact. Then again he could wish people saw him in different clothes also.
Just an idea. Waiting for part three.