Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-23 16:10:27 Holy Shit!!!! How did he go from stopping time to mind control? We need a better plot line. Where did these powers come from?
2013-09-02 16:26:59 An African Farm Story Part 1_(0) Bestiality? When? All the dog did was come in and go out, Did I miss it?
To Anonymous reader 2013-09-01 22:19:29, if you don't like it don't read it. If you can do better then do it. It's only a story and not worth your worthless rant. If this is what you do then get a life and find another site.
2013-09-20 11:07:10 Fresh Prine Of Bel-Air Will there be any more? Possibly Aunt Viv will join his bitches? Make sure Carlton gets in on the action as well as Geoffrey.
2014-09-20 21:58:14 Prim Miss Robinson and the Namingu warriors All I can say is PLEASE use the gorilla!!!!!!
2014-08-24 17:14:07 The Devil's Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 8: Public Transportation I'm loving this series so far. Your story is one of my favorite. fantasies. More please.