Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-23 22:39:36 It Was Just a Shower- Chapter 1 I gave your effort a positive rating but you need to either proofread or find an editor to proofread your work. Many errors in the story. I see you're having writer's block on your other work. Haven't read it but I hope it's better than this one. I would really like you to correct and re-post this one so I can enjoy reading it.
2015-03-29 15:46:38 My Girlfriend’s Sister Carly [MF]_(0) Why do people comment on grammar and spelling errors? The thing to do is compliment the writer and offer your services as an editor. Help him instead of being an English teacher. Also sometimes proofreading programs put in the wrong word when doing its job.
Having said that, I hope part two is coming soon.
2015-03-29 15:53:11 Rodger Barters For A Young Mom’s 22 Year Old Pussy_(0) Anonymous reader, stop being so anal! Either offer to help him edit his work or stop reading it! The other alternative is go back to your teaching job and stop reading sex stories.
I am so tired of reading comments like yours. You can easily download the story, proof it and then read it. Get off his back about the errors!!!!!!!
2015-03-30 14:23:16 Who To Pick Chap.1 (Overhauled Version) You really need to space your paragraphs more. Don't jam so much in one paragraph. I thought it was a decent start and I would like to read part with the improvements I mentioned.
2015-03-30 14:37:19 Legend of John Doe If you negative people really READ the first paragraphs, he said English WAS NOT his first language. therefore his grammar was expected to be bad,
As for my comment. Yes it was an extremely hard to read. I gave up after a while but only because it was too long. This should have been posted in several parts not one long work. Better plotting is needed. The biggest fault, besides grammar is the lightning strike. He woke up ten minutes later with EMS checking him out? Were they there when the accident happened?
Please try to improve your English before attempting another story and find an editor to help you.