Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-05 11:57:18 My Mother's tight skirt So when are going to fuck that ass and stop dreaming about it?
2015-05-20 13:35:41 A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 01 Not to put you down but I thought but was too long. Feels to me this should have been at two parts.
The other thing is his first wish should have been for her to have current knowledge of this century. That way she would not make errors when he wished for things.
He should given his friends limited mind control powers so they could get women.
2015-05-10 09:35:51 The Majestic Even if it was a rip-off I thought it was pretty good. More if you don't mind.
2015-05-25 14:47:59 A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 07 In my opinion, Matt is an ass. Having him have sex ALL the time is BORING. Why can't he have an original idea using his genie? With all the women available he wants his sister? PLEASE!!!!!!
Doesn't he want things? Couldn't he make his parent's lives better? When the hell is he moving into his own house?
2015-05-25 14:29:51 My Mother the Porn Star Typical story. Nothing really special. My question is, where's dad? If he didn't know her history, are they still married?