Comments from goiko

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-13 13:28:25 Mom's friends Yes there is much potential for this story. I think you should have broken it into parts. It would have been easier to read. I suggest smaller but more chapters.
I also agree, with all the women there, how would he have or find time to get to his mom. I like incest but then I like almost all sex stories.
2015-03-26 18:06:34 Step Mother Needs Saving_(0) I think your comment about the nazis was right. It seems everybody is an editor but no one says "I'll help you proof your story."
Why blast a decent story complaining about grammar and spelling errors. Help them out if you can.
Now for my real comment. I want to see more about his father. Why did give up his son and what about the rest of the family. You mentioned a step-sister. Bring her into it and more background please.
2015-05-16 10:52:01 Katys Grandpa his Friends and their Pets You really do need to proofread your work but I liked it. She's very submissive and like to be controlled. Go with that but keep it just the way it is, slow and building. I know the dog's turn is coming but allow the men to break her cherry.
2015-05-16 10:29:15 Daddy's reawakening - Chap 1 & 2_(0) Very good build up so far. Please don't spoil it by them having sex too soon. Let it build and keep developing the characters. It will help the writing.
2015-03-19 17:06:09 Kelly and her son Daniel Daniel D,
Don't worry about the people putting down your work. They don't realize it's possible for writers to have the same idea at the same time. Yes your story is like the other but still it should be judged on it's own merit.
For all you Anonymous math wizards, people have sex at many different ages. Not just when married or beyond age 18. People have sex at 16 and younger so get off his back about his "mistake".