Comments from farmerken

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-06 19:32:49 Red Hawk the Spear Maker(Part 3 The Great Meeting Ground) Just a note to say how much I enjoy your series, and your other stories. They are well written, with few mistakes, which makes for easy reading.

In reference to the previous commenter, don't listen to them. Having cliffhangers in a series is the best way to write them. If someone does not want a cliffhanger, then they should not read series'. And if it offends them that much, at least they should log in and post their name.

Once again, thanks for a great series. I look forward to your next installment!!!
2013-04-07 14:44:50 big booty Latina cousin- noemi Sorry, I really wanted to read this, but after the first 10 - 20 lines, I got a head ache from trying to follow and correct in my head.

If you could revise and repost it, after going through it a bit more, or have someone help you with it, I think it would make a great read.
2013-04-08 15:56:17 My friend Miranda Ch. 2 OOHH, MY GOOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!!


Love how you put the story together, and describe the action.

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the next installment!!!
2013-04-21 19:42:24 Cold Play Another interesting story. I enjoyed it for a short story, but would like to see you write a longer one.

As to the comment by the last poster, I totally disagree with his comment on your note (conversation) at the bottum. I found it humorous, and a lot like some of the comments that actual brothers and sisters share at times (depending on the family LOL).

Keep up the good work, and looking forward to your next story!!!!
2013-04-22 05:41:55 That Girl From Camp I'm SORRY, but I agree with contrycadillac. There was no flow, it was totally confusing, and I had to give up reading it half way through. I really did try, but it just got too much for me. If you had re-read it, you may have been able to make it better, and a good Proof Reader (or even a friend reading it) would have helped you tremendously.

I hope you get better, just keep trying, but get some help!!!