Comments from farmerken

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-10 19:02:10 Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift Welcome back Brootforce!!!

Another great story from a fantastic author.

I totally agree with anony at 2013-05-10 17:36:50. The people that will post negative and not even read your work are asses. And those that are criticizing you for getting a book deal for Return are just a bunch of free loading butt wipes that don't want anyone to get ahead in life!!!!

Keep up the good work! I will be watching for a new episode in this series. (Also looking forward to when the book comes out!!)
2013-06-17 18:39:18 The Debt - CAW 16 Hey Brootforce,

I just have to say another great story from you!!!! I totally enjoyed it and sure did have the tears flowing, heart pumping, a smile on my face, and my imagination going!!! Keep up the good work and I will keep looking to see when you post another story.

To the "Anonymous reader's" that keep posting negative votes and comments, either stop doing it or SIGN IN AND IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!!! QUIT HIDING WHO YOU ARE!!! If you have a comment to make, at least own up to it and quit being a coward!!

(Sorry, had to vent.)
2013-07-08 00:44:51 JAKOB & JESSIE, PART 6-RAPE & RETRIBUTION I realize that this series was written a while ago, but I just found it. I have to say that you have done a marvelous job writing it, so that it transports the reader into the world that you have created.

Thank you for the time and effort that you take in creating such wonderful stories for us readers to read.
2013-08-18 00:52:40 YES!!!

I most definitely feel that you should continue with the series. You have followed Franco's original style, and I feel that you would do credit to the series in continuing it.

I have read most of your other stories, and enjoyed them, and feel that you can add much to the series.

Keep up the good work!!!
2013-09-15 05:14:02 Tommy and Jade Chapter 1 OH MY!!!! Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire!!!!

What a amazing story!!!

Can't wait for the next part!!! Keep up the good work!!!