Comments from Dizzyworks673
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-07-01 06:22:30 | The Ten of Them Chapter 2 | This is a great story so far keep up the good work! |
2012-07-06 18:09:10 | To the person below thanks for the smpathy as I'm in a hospital waiting room right now with my family. I'm working on my final chapters when I can. I promace to have them out as fast as I can. Sorry to everyone to make you wait but life got busy for me right now. I will try to get something done soon. | |
2012-07-08 04:32:50 | To the person below, it was absolutely true that I waited for her. With the differences in our ages I feared getting her pregnant and us getting caught. Did I want to have sex with her? Yes, but we didn't for a long time. I loved her very much and was willing to wait. | |
2012-07-13 02:35:21 | Sorry again about the wait. Things are not right in my world right now. To those who have written their understanding thank you. To the reader two down I wrote about 500 pages in under two months this is a lot of work for any writer, sorry if things in my life caught up with me. I vow that I will finish TSB and post as soon as I can get more done. Were so close to the end I can't quit on you now. I'm just trying to make the ending chapters good enough to get to the end. Again thanks for hanging in there with me it means a lot to have people interested in TSB as it is a personal story for me to write. Again I promise to finish the story as soon as I can. |
2012-07-16 11:24:10 | To the person below, you obviously are not a writer. If you want to prove your point why don't you take the time to write something over 500 pages in a two month time frame. To write something that is so personal to me I have to be in the right headspace and right now I'm not there. Sorry if this doesn't live up to your time line but with a full time job, and family writing gets done in my spare time. I will finish my book when I'm ready to write it and my head is back in the right place. |