Comments from Dizzyworks673

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-17 13:33:15 To the annoying person below. I'm happy your life is perfect, my life was great at 13 too. If you don't like my story as you've indicated then why are you crying so badly for the next part. Deal with your own issues your own way as I work out mine.
2012-07-18 02:31:36 A Game of Inches - Part Eleven Great chapter again. One of the best stories on this site!
2012-07-19 14:54:11 Thanks for everyone who waited I'm back to writing! In the next chapter we learn why Gia has issues and there might be a batchlorette party for the girls. I should have the next chapter up soon thanks to those who supported me! You all are great!
2012-07-28 20:35:02 To the reader below, its not that I'm getting tired of writing, I ended up having one parent on medical leave and the other blow out their back. I had to give up my a great deal of my time to take care of them. Lots of doctors and appointments.

I also had a grandparent go through open heart surgery during this time which ened up with complications that put him back in the hospital and him needing a pace maker. Then he came down with a really bad infection and ended up back in the hospital again.

My family stuff is sorted out better now and I'm back to work. But like with any job my writing groove I had gotten into was broken and I'm working on getting back into it the same way as before.

I Skipped ahead to get to the same place without taking up 2 or 3 chapters to do it. Were almost at the end and that's where I'm heading.................Continued above.
2012-07-28 20:52:29 ...............Continued from below.

To answer the comment about an Ashley chapter, if things play out the way I'm working on them I will have another Ashley chapter before the book ends, telling the story of where she disapeared to and why.

As far as finishing the Storms Rock story, I posted that when I wrote it for the CAW writing compitition and had people PMing me and freaking out that I was switching gears and not going to finish TSB. I said at the time that I would not only finish TSB but I wouldn't work on anymore Storms Rock until that was done.

Thanks to everyone for reading and I'm sorry about the delays.