Comments from darthel0101

Date Story title Comment
2013-07-10 14:04:10 Summer Vacation part 7 I logged in a pos for ya.

If'n the nay-sayers paid attention to the first series then they would know that the slow burns are the ones which burn hottest and most thoroughly. First ya git yer ducks in a row and only then do ya start knockin' 'em down.

Keep up the good work and tell your story the way YOU want it to be told.
2013-07-15 11:55:11 Summer Vacation part 8 THIS cliffhanger I can understand even if I do not like it.

I wonder why 'first blood' is going through my mind right now?
2013-07-15 16:20:31 Summer Vacation part 8 LOL We have Rambo and The A-Team involved. I wonder when a certain S.E.A.L. (S.Seagal) or Deathwish Bronson will be brought in.

This story DEFINITELY has a buildup to what appears to be an explosive finish - and here people were complaining because Guy was being too nice - ROFLMGDAO
2013-07-15 16:21:31 Summer Vacation part 8 BTW - LOGGED IN Pos for ya
2013-07-16 20:53:14 Ticonderoga – Episode 3: Awakenings Logged In Pos recorded.

Keep the stories coming.