Comments from darthel0101

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-08 14:59:32 Love Story (full story, 6,000 words) I will agree that the ending can seem abrupt but the manner of that ending endorses the abruptness.
IIRC, the competition used the theme of matching a story to a song and this one fits the song which was used (it just didn't fit as completely as the one which won the comp).
Thank you for sharing this on the story side and under your name.
2014-09-01 06:28:08 Being More Social - Chapter 6 Just because I don't like THIS chapter does not mean that I don't like the story.
I am also not going to vote down a story simply because I don't like where the author is apparently taking it. I will wait until he gets to his destination before making the decision to dislike it.
BTW regarding the lists: I rarely use the highest rating list; I use the Latest Updates one.
2014-08-11 22:20:37 Stepsister Seduction Good story but the comments apparently need some critique.
She mentioned that she broke her hymen in gymnastics and for the question about diameter -vs.- circumference, I can only think that it comes from one with a pencil-dick. 3" is the measure of my middle finger's circumference.
2014-07-31 18:44:33 Barn Duty, Night Watch A suggestion for a way to quiet the grammar nazis. When proofreading your story, read from the end to the beginning. This way, your brain does not overlook typos because you know what you were expecting to write.
MY opinion is that this is free reading material, posted in the internet, and typos should be expected (ESPECIALLY if you are using something like Dragon to turn speech into text). As long as they are not misspelled words (quite when trying to write quiet, etc) then I tend to read right through them.
You are writing a good story and this one shows possibility of a decent sequel; I hope to see more of your work soon.
One more suggestion: if you want critiques from other WRITERS and constructive criticism from readers, post in the forum story section. There are a number of published writers that frequent that area.
2014-06-29 09:57:33 Cheerleader from Hell_(0) This story was not my normal cuppa, but it was extremely well written for its genre.
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