Comments from h0Ax8omb3r
Date | Story title | Comment |
2015-07-16 19:38:25 | Divine Succession - Chapter 08 | I really enjoyed this chapter, If a little short but i fully understand why it is as you where trying to right the slight mishap in the previous chapter. All in all i didnt not like chapter 7 i thought it was great other than descending into darkness to fast but i love how you have him question himself in this chapter, dont be afraid to go dark again with him like really dark but maybe this time let him be swayed by aria and stop himself before it is to late i dont know it it as i say up to you. Again really great story i love the way you wright and the detail you put into things. P.S maybe have him help out down in hell with the problem he caused to redeem a little of what he lost possibly redeeming some of the souls he condembed ( hot females ) yours h0Ax8omber |
2015-08-02 20:22:45 | C'mon Sis, Let;s Fuck | i loved the story very well written just a few pointers near the begining you mention cass is 18 and billy a few years older so his 20s i know you have done this for guideline reasons so no problems there, were there is one is when you mention her actual age thirteen i think you over looked that little error its not big but maybe proofread a little more. secondly i think as teenagers calling his cock his peter is a little odd at least it would be his dick other than thos few things a great story and i look forward to more h0Ax8omb3r |
2015-08-02 21:02:35 | Abducted on a School Trip | I loved it, absolutley perfect i would love for you to do a follow up to A boy and his Genie and the way you did it was so clever i had an incling near the begining that sarosa may have been a genie cant wait for more :) |
2015-08-06 06:46:51 | Divine Succession - Chapter 11 | Drago i loved this chapter. It works well with the plot that you have laid out already you shouldnt lose hope with this story as it is another winner in my eyes i cant wait to see how the story will progress and i hope you dont end it to abruptley and adding the corruption to davids wife is a stroke of genius, you could kind of turn her into the Lucipher of David's time as god and the story would pan out perfectly. h0Ax8omb3r |
2015-08-23 04:35:21 | An Incest Birthday Chapter 23 | Dammit it's half five in the morning I'm tired and then you leave it like that..... looks like I am not sleeping again haha this is one of the best series I have read ever |