Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-19 05:57:26 Mind-control is fun Re-edited I actually liked your story. Why do I sound incredulous?- Because your second paragraph really needed to be broken up into much smaller paragraphs to give the readers mind some rest between thoughts, or in the case of your story, a rest between activities.

There are many readers who will skip over stories like yours simply because the stories show a lack of formatting, with paragraphs that seem to go on forever.

Re-edit and repost your story and you will see more people enjoying your stories. If you repost it after editing, be sure to use the same title with the word "Re-edited" after the title.
2014-04-14 06:48:33 My Oral Audition – story 13 this was a good story..but a few mis-typed/misplaced words kind of broke the spell for me. reRead your stories before posting... and this could be a Great story :)
2014-04-16 21:36:39 Meat Girl Part 1 Katie-
I found this genre intriguing now that I have read your story. I was not familiar with MEAT GIRLS as a genre, and judging from the comments prior to mine, it is a genre unto itself.

I look forward to reading your second chapter. If you don't post here, perhaps you can point me to your website archive of your stories? I would certainly like to read your other stories and what you did with your characters.
2014-08-22 07:00:31 Mom's Motivational Techniques This was a really good variation of mom-son-sex stories. I'm eager to read any sequels to this story just to see where you take this to in your next story. :)
2014-12-08 15:18:58 Sleepwalker_(1) Wow! Mystic47, you have quite an imagination! I've read many bro-sis stories and this one really is different, and quite entertaining... and I mean that in a good way.

It is written with a very different twist on bro-sis sex that I didn't find boring nor re-hashed. THAT was GREAT and a Great read! Thank you. :)