Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2013-02-18 11:26:42 I Lust My Sister Meridian Excellent story! I really enjoyed reading it.
2013-02-18 14:31:39 Changed Life You really should re-post this after you do some proof-reading and break up the story into paragraphs.

It reads as if you either don't known English (or Grammar) or that you were in too much of a hurry to post this. It COULD get higher reviews if you do as I suggest since you won't chase people away from reading poorly written story all due to format and not SO MUCH poor content.
2013-02-18 14:32:31 Changed Life After all, your later stories are REALLY good to read.
2013-02-20 00:33:23 mom taking care of me I agree with another reviewer, you write well except you seem to rush thru sme parts. Take your time to fully develop intimate moments with added details and more "words" so we can feel as we're living the story...give us time to feel as thhe characters are feeling. you know... draw it out.
2013-02-20 23:12:58 Couple of Georgia Boys Your story was good, and that despite the fact I don't normally read stories on this subject.

I only had two issues: 1) - you wrote "to tell him tell the tale"... I believe you meant "To hear him tell the tale", and 2- you need to separate a few paragraphs that are too close together.... they look to be to close... makes it harder to read.

But make no mistake - It's a good, well written story and I liked the story! Maybe you can add later chapters that include meeting and learning from girls.