Comments from animal99

Date Story title Comment
2014-01-06 19:40:31 " I'm a Chick with a Dick' " Good Story.. a little kink really can spice up a story! Any more stories planned of your herm.. character? Please, consider it if you haven't already :)
2012-10-08 13:21:59 My Boyfriend's Cock Dayzluvher,
You shouldn't worry about judgemental comments... Look for compliments on what you did right and take negative comments seriously when it's accompanied by constructive criticisms - They at least give you a way to improve your writing.

Take my advice to heart, only petty people want to destroy you by their criticisms. Most of us enjoy reading stories and appreciate the effort it takes to write and develop a story. Welcome the criticisms, so that you may improve your writing and be happier with the outcome in your future projects.
2012-10-24 15:53:49 Preteen years with brother 3 ashweta69 - What you need is an editor who speaks the English Language and can correct mistakes like your.

Those who are SO critical of his English must be experts so why don't you guys volunteer to fix his stories?
2012-12-11 13:29:37 Me and My Brother_(1) I agree with your other readers - You havea very good story, even though It's not my subject of choice, but you do need to work on your grammar and use of punctuation. If you fixed those issues, it could prove to be a winner :)
2013-02-18 10:43:35 EXCELLENT Story! I was amazed how well written it was. I'd love to read a sequel, and I'm probably alone in this but I enjoyed reading how well daddy treated his daughter and took his time to teach her the joys of sex without rushing into the sex - Just like a loving Dad would in real life. Keep up the great writing!