Comments from The_Purvv

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-13 10:54:04 Further: Have I borrowed from other writings? Most assuredly. Have others borrowed from me? Of course, and many have written to me to acknowledge that fact as I have written others. This isn't Vince Flynn publishing a story written by Tom Clancy, claiming it's his and making a bundle. We are a lot of internet writers simply creating smut pieces, sometimes taking a piece of another's story and rewriting a whole different story.
2013-05-13 14:34:32 To Anonymous reader at 2013-05-13 02:09:18, Upon looking around the internet for a story titled Daddy's Little Girl, I located one that was posted on another site in 1997, which is the one that you are apparently referring. Indeed there can be no doubt that this story here was a massage of that story written by Eros. It looks like 12000 of the total 25000 characters of this story actually were from the Eros story. As I stated below, I believe that years ago a story was sent to me by an emailer claiming she wrote it and asked me to enhance it. I don't believe I knew of the Eros connection, but if I did I definitely would have contacted him/her at the time of the massage (and maybe I did). Even now, I'll try to contact that author, although I haven't found any recent postings or email address.
2013-06-18 08:56:22 Adicktion To Anonymous reader 2013-06-18 00:22:43 and Anonymous reader 2013-06-16 10:21:02...

Blame the site itself; its main man is the only one responsible for allowing the crap that all of us detest. There's a simple solution. Only members should be allowed to read, vote and comment on a story and voting rules and comment rules should be set for those members. Break the rules, you're suspended. Someone doesn't want to sign up? Sorry Charlie, you miss out on some great erotica. Will they lose some of their readers? Of course. Will the rest of us be so much more at peace? You betcha! It might even bring back some authors who have deserted this story site.
2013-06-20 06:35:37 Adicktion MrSoftie

In regards to your response to my comment. What I'm saying is that if everyone needed a sign on name (preferably connected with a static url), once that was in place, if spam was left, he/she could be reported and removed. Sure, an offender could probably sign up under a different name, but then would soon be removed again. They would have to sign up a new name every day if they wanted to keep posting spam and I doubt too many would want to bother doing that. As to your wanting to delete comments, that can be done now. I know, I did it. Just contact ejls and give her the offending comments and voila, next day they are gone. However, in a couple of days that story will soon be inundated with the crap again. I much prefer where comments are funneled to my email addy and don't get posted on the site. That takes away the lure for the offenders.

BTW, congrats on your able to keep your story in the Top 30. I'm sure that's a struggle. Glad you're winning.
2013-07-04 07:13:11 Saving mommy's marriage Great effort.

If you're using MS Office Word, you might consider using the 'find and replace' function before posting, to separate paragraphs with dialog properly. This seems to work on your stories: FIND ^p REPLACE ^p^p (then do) FIND ^p^p^p REPLACE ^p^p (do this a couple of more times)

Unfortunately the paragraph break indicator in most other software isn't the same, though it wouldn't hurt to try the above if you're not using Word and don't know the indicator your software uses.