Comments from Norton5

Date Story title Comment
2013-12-02 19:49:41 Somali Pirates and Their Prey Meticulous details on the individual characters; well-rendered descriptions. Women in the SAS is an original concept for a sex story. A truly brilliant turn there! The medical assistants checking out, probing, and feeling the women was quite titillating. The amount of detail you put into their training goes beyond what most authors on this site include in their texts. You have taken on a huge scope here and it is admirable how you handled it. A most capable writer you are, and that's why I consider you one of the best!
2013-12-02 19:51:02 Karens new purpose Wow! I love this story. Karen is a gorgeous big girl with splendid anatomical assets. Trevor makes good use of this and goes further to include his cycling friends in on the action. You did a really good job on this, Tbarn1966. Very hot and even uplifting on an emotional level. Your story is much appreciated!
2013-12-02 19:51:46 Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 8: Bad Reunion I like the dialog in this story. The characters' emotions, thoughts, and interactions are also well done.
2013-12-02 19:52:49 Me and Mr. Bill: Part 6 - Football or I should say "Fuckball!" Damn! Right from the start and on to the very end, the erotic action never lets up. And you still have time to tell a story in the midst of all this! Fuckball is a great game! Very creative of you to come up with this. I am astonished at your xxx writing; it is erotically deviant and mind blowing! Styxx wasn't exaggerating. Your name truly deserves to be on the Recommended Authors list, and you've already been recommended. Keep up the awesome work! It's so wonderful to have you here. Looking forward to Part 7.
2013-12-02 19:53:56 Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 1 Advice: Each individual entry you post on Stories Side has to have at least one or two "major" incidents of sex. You write good, but you have to give the reader more. You don't have to finish the story in one entry - that's the beauty of posting it in installments or parts as they say - but do include sex in each one. The amount can vary, but it has to be "satisfactory". Happy to have you here, Bullwinkle J. Moose.