Comments from Auora

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-19 18:44:01 Liked this chapter but don't like the direction its headed with John becoming "chef" maybe, that's just me though
2013-03-21 16:10:30 I liked it but I wished Grace was there
2013-03-25 18:23:30 What End ! No way I'm loving this story I can't wait to see what ends up happinging
2013-03-28 08:09:38 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18_(0) * Whoops wasn't logged in
This was amazing and sounds like the best birthday. I'm glad and thank you for wanting to continue and can't wait to see what happens with your family

2013-03-29 23:54:10 Okay let me just say first and for most I love your story, I've been following since the begging but this chapter was a little confusing. Grace's part I understood but at certain parts it was confusing, didnt make sense. It could be editing I'm not sure and I'm not trying to be picky at all it was just hard to follow. The once you switched back it got kind of awkward. Overall it was good and I can't wait to read more. Also I'm sorrry if I'm sounding harsh I'm not trying to just letting you know what I saw/read.
