Comments from Auora

Date Story title Comment
2013-06-07 18:39:56 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt24_(0) Okay when I read the tags and saw extreme I was like what but then I finish reading this and I'm at a lost. Your son lost his fucking mind excuse my language but he did. OMG not only die he lie to you, he almost go Shiori hurt. Actually no he did get her hurt physically and emotionally but that's just my opinion. I'm still shocked right now, I never would have thought something like this would happen in your family especially to Mark & Shiori

Wow I'm very interested to see what happeneds and how this mess gets resolved.
2013-06-08 19:59:26 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt24_(0) Some people are so cruel and sick I wonder what can be done for them. For the punk and we all know who it is wants to keep posting annoy but we know. I hope your happy with your self because your a complete asshole! To sit here and say Mike's family is better dead is fucked up and wrong! Not one person in Mike's house is being "raped" or force to do anything they don't choose to. If they don't want to have sex with him then they don't have to and the same goes for his son. We don't know what his son was thinking when he did what he did but ,we still don't know the full story untill next chaper ! More than likely he made a mistake as all kids do and people make mistakes but he learned from it and I can bet a lot that he would Never try to do something like that again.

But to keep saying Dimek that his family is dead is wrong! If you lost anyone important in your life then you would be as hurt as Mike is. You have aboustly No idea what its like to lose someone so close and he didn't
2013-06-08 20:01:18 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt24_(0) Just lose a wife, he lost a son, daughter and niece. 4 people who he loved and cared for and there now gone. You so wrong and fucked up to keep saying what you are. If you have a problem with what I'm saying then please drop me a message because I'm not hiding behind the Annoy like you.
2013-06-09 00:28:37 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt24_(0) My God what has happened to us? Are we really going to sit here and keep talk shit about these stories? Who the cares if its not really, if we find out in the end its not really then we can at least say we read a pretty damn good story. If its true which im pretty sure it is who care what Mike does in his home life? If I want to have consenting sex with my children then I will, same goes for anyone in my family.
Mike is giving us a peak into his family and how he does things, he's also showing Jappense culture which most of us would have no idea how it worked until now. Its so stupid to keep going back and forth .

I'm seriously done with it Annoy. No one is thinking about what we are saying we're just going off. I get it, its emotional for mike and he has the right to be defensive. But for someone to constantly talk shit about his stories is stupid. Also saying his family is better dead is just horrible.
2013-06-09 00:31:08 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt24_(0) Annoy just need to keep certain commits to themselves because its just wrong and stupid. Also no "rape" is going on, everyone is consenting to everything there doing and there's no gun to there head.

So just stop acting like you know something when you don't! Seriously this is his getting annoying and stupid