Comments from Auora

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-23 15:21:57 Twin Japanese Nieces PT20_(0) Aww I've been reading your stories since the beginning and I love them even more every time. I'm glad you are continuing, I know it can be hard losing someone but I'm glad you have an outlet, I can't wait for the next installment
2013-05-27 12:46:39 ARE WE TEACHING THE CHILDREN - OR ARE THEY TEACHING US? - PART 2_(1) Thanks for a great story!! OMG I loved the first part and I'm in love again for part 2 and I can't wait for 3
2013-05-27 20:43:05 Asmodeus - Demon of Lust: Part 4 What OMG OMG OMG I can't believe shes pregnant!!! I mean I figured it was coming but so soon, didnt see that coming. I can't wait to see what happends
2013-05-29 11:34:13 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt21_(0) I can't thank you enough, I know I keep saying it but thank you. Your stories are amazing and I'm glad to see your still posting, I know its hard losing someone but I think your doing the best by keeping up your writing. I'm glad for another chapter and can't wait to read the next
2013-05-30 19:16:25 Twin Japanese Nieces Pt21_(0) @Dimek I've held my silence for a while now and I think in just going to say it now! He's not playing favorites so stop it!! Damn just because he has sex with her more, sleeps in his bed doesn't make her a favorite! We don't know the whole story, what if Erin didnt want to sleep with them? We don't know and shouldn't have to keep questioning @1MTNMN45. He says and I quote "Not everything that happens in the house is in the stories." So leave it alone!!