2014-11-16 23:33:40 |
A New Day, A New You part 1
Wow, talk about fan love coming out of the wood work. Honestly I thought this might flop being that it's not what you have been seeing for the past 5 series but I'm overjoyed it didn't. There will be more to come as always and I'm gonna answer questions as they come in. First off I'd love to put my stories in order but the site jumbles them up, sorry. It even does it for me when i view my work as the writer/author. Everyone wants to see Richard get his but we have a way to go before that and Stuart needs some more education. Any thoughts or questions don't hesitate to ask or tell me either on here or in a PM. |
2014-03-14 14:24:10 |
A New Day, A New Us part 11
Well I'm not saying goodbye to my readers but I am working on the start of the next series, I've been relaxing while I work for a change and also dealing with some technical problems that have been recently repaired. I know that can sound like a cop out but what would suck more, me putting out a few chapters then nothing for a month or more or me waiting to put them when my computer is repaired. First chapter is still being worked on but when I post it'll be under the title Road Trip. Sorry this is taking so long and hope you are still checking for my works. |
2014-08-23 21:21:51 |
Path to Our Future part 3
Okay that one about being totally predictable I read the comment twice before noting the :P at the end. Had me a little pissed for a second. As for the events coming in the story well my readers you wanted a ride and I shall give you one. |
2016-08-06 03:53:44 |
A Family Betrayal Chapter 42_(1)
Still bringing good work man. Keep it up. |
2015-08-31 06:17:11 |
A New Day, A New You part 14
Sorry for the massive delays folks, there was a week off for repairs to the computer and a bit of writer's indecision to contend with during this last month as you've waited. I know it doesn't make waiting any easier but you deserve the explanation and I'm working late at night to get this chapter done so i can start the finale for this series. |